Paired together in the fall of 1980, John Boy & Billy are now celebrating their fourth decade together, dominating mornings with their antics and love of good old-fashioned fun. Johnny “John Boy” Isley and Billy James were at the forefront of the modern wave of radio syndication when they launched the John Boy & Billy Radio Network in 1993, eventually adding more than 100-affiliates nationwide. Their guests include everyone from comedians to sports celebrities to television and motion picture stars. The program’s availability on the internet has made John Boy & Billy fans out of listeners as far away as Israel and Australia. The duo’s enthusiastic support of US military personnel regularly brings emails and fan letters from service men and women stationed throughout the world.
Friday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we’ve got Billy’s tribute sone the John Boy, “He’s So Fat”.. - Jock Cousteau had another adventure show that was ahead of its time.. - John Boy pulled a list of memorable colonoscopy quotes from out of his.. well you know.. - We’ve resurrected Ralph and Norton for today’s Playhouse, “A Hot Night with the Honeymooners”.. - Tater tries John Boy’s chocolate math trick - and neither of them get it right.. - and we noticed that somebody has hacked into John Boy’s bio page and added a few things…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Thursday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, Tater proves she’s got talent when it comes to spelling.. - John Boy has discovered a list of things kids say (again).. - Lipless stops by with a list of jokes about women.. - John Boy takes a part in the Playhouse and proves Tater isn’t the only one who can’t do accents.. - Comedian Michael Winslow spends the last hour of the show with us - and we’ll wrap up with some letters from listeners…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Thursday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, Tater proves she’s got talent when it comes to spelling.. - John Boy has discovered a list of things kids say (again).. - Lipless stops by with a list of jokes about women.. - John Boy takes a part in the Playhouse and proves Tater isn’t the only one who can’t do accents.. - Comedian Michael Winslow spends the last hour of the show with us - and we’ll wrap up with some letters from listeners…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Wednesday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, JD’s 24-hour has an edgy approach to couples counseling - JD’s Wife School.. - John Boy’s got a new big screen smart TV that he is too dumb for.. - We’ll give Haywood Banks’ “18-Wheels on a Big Rig” a spin by request.. - Rev. Sincere and Goober pop-in for some humoroids.. - Ike Turner recommends hiring a foreign woman to take care of your kiddies.. - We’ll honor our late friend, Dub Starnes with a classic JB&B Playhouse.. - and we’ll wrap up with some more listener letters…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Wednesday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, JD’s 24-hour has an edgy approach to couples counseling - JD’s Wife School.. - John Boy’s got a new big screen smart TV that he is too dumb for.. - We’ll give Haywood Banks’ “18-Wheels on a Big Rig” a spin by request.. - Rev. Sincere and Goober pop-in for some humoroids.. - Ike Turner recommends hiring a foreign woman to take care of your kiddies.. - We’ll honor our late friend, Dub Starnes with a classic JB&B Playhouse.. - and we’ll wrap up with some more listener letters…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
See for privacy information.
Tuesday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, John Boy’s new cape has us brainstorming on a catchy Superhero name using the initials “JB”.. - Marvin Webster’s Uncle has signed up to be a drug tester.. - The King of some third world country is looking for a bride.. - Somebody moved John Boy’s cheese.. - In honor of the unintended Superhero theme we’ve stumbled onto today, we’ve got an episode of Married Man that puts his whole team on the set of a TV Game Show.. - Oliver takes a hard look at a listener’s feedback.. - Tom Mabe gets some revenge on a carpet cleaning telemarketer.. - Rev and Good pay us a visit.. - and we’ll wrap up with some positive feedback from our mailbag…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
See for privacy information.
Tuesday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, John Boy’s new cape has us brainstorming on a catchy Superhero name using the initials “JB”.. - Marvin Webster’s Uncle has signed up to be a drug tester.. - The King of some third world country is looking for a bride.. - Somebody moved John Boy’s cheese.. - In honor of the unintended Superhero theme we’ve stumbled onto today, we’ve got an episode of Married Man that puts his whole team on the set of a TV Game Show.. - Oliver takes a hard look at a listener’s feedback.. - Tom Mabe gets some revenge on a carpet cleaning telemarketer.. - Rev and Good pay us a visit.. - and we’ll wrap up with some positive feedback from our mailbag…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
See for privacy information.
Monday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we’re taking a trip back to the summer of 2020 for this special holiday Encore Edition of the John Boy and Billy Big Show.. - Enjoy!
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
See for privacy information.
Monday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we’re taking a trip back to the summer of 2020 for this special holiday Encore Edition of the John Boy and Billy Big Show.. - Enjoy!
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
See for privacy information.