Illinois Summer Camp Caused 3-State COVID Outbreak That Infected 85 People

Close up of a child wearing safety equipment when holding onto a rope

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A three-state coronavirus outbreak that infected more than 80 people has been linked to an Illinois summer camp. The Illinois Department of Health said that organizers of the camp did not check the vaccination status of campers or employees and did not require attendees to wear masks while indoors.

"The majority of the 85 COVID-19 cases associated with the youth camp are among teens," said IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike. "The perceived risk to children may seem small, but even a mild case of COVID-19 can cause long-term health issues. Additionally, infected youth who may not experience severe illness can still spread the virus to others, including those who are too young to be vaccinated or those who don't build the strong expected immune response to the vaccine."

While most of the cases were mild or asymptomatic, one unvaccinated teenager had to be hospitalized. Officials said that several individuals who were at the camp attended a nearby conference and spread the virus to 11 different people. Everybody who tested positive was sent home, and the health department ordered all attendees to quarantine for ten days.

After the outbreak, the Crossing Camp canceled its camp for fourth and fifth graders that was scheduled in August.

"Due to a recent outbreak of COVID 19 related to Student Camp June 13-17, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our 4th & 5th-grade Crossing Camp. We were so looking forward to spending time with your campers this weekend, but we believe the best way to value and love our students, difference makers, and staff is to delay camp until a safer time," the camp wrote on its website.

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